Kosher vs Halal
Kosher vs Halal
Kosher and halal are both words that describe the same thing, which is the idea of something being permissible for consumption. This is a concept that is practiced by many religions and cultures so that people can avoid eating something that is prohibited. Many rules in the Torah and Talmud dictate what is and is not kosher. For example, kosher animals are those that are slaughtered according to Jewish law. This means that the animal must have split hooves and chewed its cud, without the use of a blade or a tooth. The animal must be slaughtered in a kosher fashion, meaning that the animal is killed in a fashion that is by Jewish law. Halal is a similar concept but is practiced by Muslims. This means that the animal must have split hooves and chewed its cud without the use of a blade or tooth, but the animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim.